Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wow, it's almost been a month since I have last posted on here. I guess that's because I've been a bit busier for some reason lately, perhaps. Anyway, I had an interesting idea the other day. I wonder what would happen if one were to lease/rent out the use of a part of his or her body? I guess this could be viewed as a means of prostitution. But think about it: I wonder if anyone would actually rent out, let's say, one of my pinkie fingers. It's an interesting thought if nothing else, I guess.

So, I'm going to Guatemala here in about 17 days. I'm pretty excited about the trip. I am going with a team of 25 other students from SBU to work at an orphanage for about 3 weeks. We will be doing physical projects around the campus as well as playing with the kids who live there. It will be a great opportunity to love on these kids who do not have parents around to show them the love that they deserve. I am very excited about being able to be around these kids and hopefully they will see Christ through mine and my teammates' love and actions.

Christmas break is almost here. This is awesome. I cannot wait to just be done with the semester and have a couple weeks in which I can just chill. And by chill, I mean work and then go on this mission trip. Oh well, rest comes in many different ways and to each his own.

That's all for now. Peace.

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