Monday, September 8, 2008


So here I sit in my astronomy class... I thought this would be an interesting and enjoyable alternative to taking a more cliche physical science class such as earth science. Now, I like space and stars and things of that nature but when it comes to this class... I WAS WRONG!

I don't think that it would make me want to slit my wrists if not for the teacher. I honestly think that I could teach the class more efficiently than she does...mainly because i would actually teach. We just took a quiz the other day and the average grade was a 19 out of 50. It was open book. I think that really shows something about the wording and makeup of the assignment. Now, lucky for us, she drops our lowest grade, but when a professor doesn't teach I don't really know if that's much of a benefit.

I don't normally complain about professors...only those who don't know what they are doing. I understand that there is a language barrier because she's from Albania. But the real problem is that we have a teacher with a physics/math background with no astonomy in her history.

And then, since I attend a Christian institution, she feels the need to integrate the bible into class. I would love for this to happen; that's part of the reason I signed up for the course because I thought it would be cool to see how the two relate. The disappointing thing is though that she does so incorrectly.

Now, I don't want to come across as TOO harsh on this woman. Despite the above rant, I do respect this woman. She has successfully bridged the language gap. She earned a Ph.D in physics and has some of her stuff published. I think it's great that she is enthusiastic about her faith to the point of trying to integrate it into the classroom. But, I do believe that greater preparation on her part could/should be taken to teach a subject that she has no background in.

I wanted to learn astronomy and I will learn it... somehow... I guess I'll have to teach myself... Although, I did have a similar problem with a certain introduction to music appreciation last semester and still managed an A in the class somehow without doing anything, so we'll see what happens.

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