Monday, September 22, 2008


Well, it's been awhile since I have posted anything on here. I am kinda writing this one because I feel that my blog needs to be updated. There are alot of things that I want to write about here soon, but i'm not really ready to do so. Mainly because I am sitting in my lame astronomy class and not in a mood to really think.

Speaking of astronomy again, we recently had a test and the average grade was a 58%. I thought that was hilarious because it really shows the work of the professor. I earned the highest grade in the class on it with an 80%. I've never been so happy to get almost a C. When the teacher arrived at class today, she informed us that she was curving the scores by twenty points, which I found even funnier because I've never heard of a 20 point curve before.

Getting off that soapbox, how about postmodernism and the emerging church?

I really don't agree with the traditional church's view on these growing trains of thought. The postmodern period is a generation. To say you don't agree with postmodernism would be to say that you don't agree with the Victorian Age in England. I will say that certain views that are associated with postmodernism I do find dangerous. The thing with postmodernism is that we, as Christians living in the world, need to find ways to relate to the culture, being in the culture and not of it. Many people live the way the world does and justify it by saying they are trying to relate to it. In this sense, postmodernism isn't any different than any other time period.

I personally, don't have any problem with the emerging church. Obviously, it is doing some things right by appealing to people who wouldn't find Christ otherwise. And, who are we to judge a movement's ministry and others' personal dealings and encounters with Christ?

By saying I don't have a major problem with postmodernism, I am not saying that I believe truth is subjective and relative to the individual. I do not believe that at all. Truth is absolute. God is absolute. Love is absolute. But how these ideas are worked with and applied to life doesn't have a set manner in which it needs to be done.

I might update this later, but class is over. Peace.

1 comment:

timothy zeke! said...

I like what you said about emerging church and postmodernism, I never really understood the "normal" churches anger towards it. We should talk about this some time, In the book im reading he says some pretty interesting stuff about just relating to people.