Sunday, February 7, 2010

America the Modern Day Corinth?

An argument can be made that America is the modern-day Corinth.

In his letters to the Corinthians, Paul is writing to a church that is in combat with its culture.  In many ways, the Corinthians were very similar to Americans.  Just as Corinth was rebuilt as a Roman city, the American/Western culture is derived from that of the Romans.  Corinth, being a new city at the time had a new culture.  In perspective, America is fairly young.  She doesn't have a rich history like England or Italy.

The Corinthian church was hounded by immorality.  Incest, sex with pagan temple prostitutes, and suing each other were just some of the problems that plagued this young church.  The American church finds herself wrapped up in her own problems but all ultimately reflect the immorality of the body.

Another similarity is this sense that American Christians so often feel a sense of authority.  This self-identity also reflects the Corinthian way of life.  The Roman culture was not as group-oriented as Mediterranean culture was. While still ultimately a collectivist culture, members of the church possessed a greater sense of self especially in reference to spiritual gifts.

We need to take advice from Paul and be real with one another.  American Christians need to come out from behind their masks and live in community.

1 comment:

SKB said...

I have never seen this sight before in my life. I have the same view of america! Be Blessed Brother!!! SKB